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Activity Forums Web Design (WordPress, Joomla, etc.) Overwhelmed: rebuilding my website & how best to use Adobe Products to accomplish this? (Muse, DW, RF, etc)

  • Overwhelmed: rebuilding my website & how best to use Adobe Products to accomplish this? (Muse, DW, RF, etc)

    Posted by Aza Allen on April 5, 2017 at 9:10 pm

    Hello all!

    Bear with me, my question will hopefully make sense soon, haha

    I am wanting to rebuild my site with some better design, add in mobile support, and keep its current functionality intact (or replicate it with an Adobe product)

    my current site can be seen here (as of 4/5/17)

    As you can see I have some Quicksand filtering and sorting going on, but the design sucks and I need to add mobile support and keep it easily updateable as I add more videos to my portfolio. Obviously I can design the elements in PS and Illustrator, but between Dreamweaver, Muse, Reflow, and Animate I have no idea where to start and how best to keep a solid workflow. Also, for mobile, I’d like to have animated sorting and filtering, but instead of blocks, I’d like to have my videos stacked vertically and be responsive….

    MY QUESTION IS: How BEST can I accomplish a redesign, have/keep quicksand-like sorting and filtering, optimize it for mobile, and easily update it when ever I post a new video?

    My portfolio can be seen at
    My personal website is

    Aza Allen replied 7 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Len Wasson

    April 11, 2017 at 3:31 pm

    just an fyi, your 1st and last links don’t work (404)

    as for the 2nd link, which you say is your portfolio – I hope that’s not a page you send directly to people, i.e., rather than a page that is navigated to – the reason I say that is it is completely overwhelming, aesthetically unpleasing and lacks an inviting look altogether. Just for that page I’d suggest a lighter background, fewer clips (a lot fewer) and a simple menu to navigate to more. Think of a teaser, you want to lure people in – not overwhelm them. In fact, by overwhelming people with this page it makes one wonder what your actual projects look like – get the point?

  • Aza Allen

    April 19, 2017 at 3:21 am

    That is what I’m working on fixing…

    Do you have any advice about my question? Thank you for your response….

    My portfolio can be seen at
    My personal website is

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