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Activity Forums Blackmagic Cameras Our recent video using the Cinema Camera

  • Alex Gerulaitis

    September 5, 2012 at 9:30 am

    This is awesome, kudos Marco.

    (Any chance of posting this in 2K? YouTube I believe is the only one supporting 2K… It still compressed but the quality should be better than Vimeo’s 1080p.)


    Alex Gerulaitis
    Systems Engineer
    DV411 – Los Angeles, CA

  • Marco Solorio

    September 5, 2012 at 4:49 pm

    Thanks so much, Alex! I think we might do that, just not sure how soon. We opted to conform this in 1080 but will see what we can do. Thanks!

    Marco Solorio | CreativeCow Host | OneRiver Media | ORM Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Media Batch

  • James Kohler

    September 5, 2012 at 7:40 pm

    Marco, really great job! I loved the video and the tests you put the BMC through.

    I’m impressed the way the Sigma quality holds up running with the L glass.
    I like many have the BMC on order and are struggling to get the right lenses.

    The crop factor is obviously the challenge for me to really know which lenses will work best for my situation.

    It would be great if you could put up even a lo-res version of the movie up with a graphic overlay showing which lens was used on each shot. I know this would answer questions a lot of us are attempting to answer.

    A huge THANK YOU to you, John Brawley and the other pros who have taken the time to show all of us the power of this camera.

  • Marco Solorio

    September 5, 2012 at 7:50 pm

    Thanks so much for the kind words, James. Much appreciated!

    Yes, I’m planning on doing a video overlay just as you describe, listing which shot used which lens. Glad there’s interest in that! As a loose reference, anything tight in, the Sigma 8-16mm was used. Anything wider out was usually the 24mm and sometimes the 50mm. The rear view mirror shots was the 135mm.


    Marco Solorio | CreativeCow Host | OneRiver Media | ORM Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Media Batch

  • James Kohler

    September 5, 2012 at 8:35 pm

    Thanks for the info.

    I was planning on getting a Zeiss 18mm and 30mm but you’ve really got me thinking…which is always bad.

    I may have to get the Sigma too!

    I found the BMC at NAB on the last day of the show. I pretty much freaked. I had been waiting for the Red Scarlet for years but when it finally came out it was so much more expensive that the original guesstimates I had to pass.

    Finally with the BMC release a true RAW workflow is not only affordable but amazing. Your article here on the Cow confirmed exactly what I was thinking after the show. It’s great to see Blackmagic getting this camera out pretty close to schedule but it’s fantastic to see the results the camera can deliver when used by pros.

    It’s shocking to see the shot aimed at her headlight. There’s detail where no other camera even close to this price point could deliver.

    Your work has me totally stoked awaiting the camera to arrive.

  • Marco Solorio

    September 5, 2012 at 8:47 pm

    Thank you again for your generous remarks, James. Yes, the Sigma worked out better than I would have imagined as well! Really held up well. I’m happy you picked up on the direct headlight shot… my intention was to show how well it handled that, then into the interior Porsche, then into the Mercedes with its lightbar on full blast (again into the camera), while still showing detail inside the Mercedes and the actor’s face. Truly amazing dynamic range this camera has. No ramping of exposure or post-grade exposure was done on that shot. All single exposure shot!

    Marco Solorio | CreativeCow Host | OneRiver Media | ORM Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Media Batch

  • Matthew Sonnenfeld

    September 5, 2012 at 9:07 pm

    Really enjoyed it Marco! As a piece, very important subject matter but handled in a fun and entertaining way! Content is after all king as they say…

    As for the picture itself and as a camera test, I was very impressed with how rolling shutter performance seems to be pretty manageable if not quite good. I must admit that I was keeping an eye out for any rolling shutter artifacts and I was really pleasantly surprised with all the talk that it would be perhaps a little better than a DSLR but still, there. I’d say it significantly out performs a DSLR. That is though at least to my eye.

    Also, having read your article on shooting wide with the BMCC it was great to see the resulting footage. You’re absolutely right. You can shoot wide on this camera. It’s just about knowing what tools are available and how to use them properly.

    Very well done and thank you!

    Panasonic HPX170, Canon 7D
    2011 Macbook Pro 17″, 2.3 Ghz Quad Core, 8GB RAM
    AJA IoXT
    Adobe Production Premium CS6, Avid Symphony 6, Final Cut Pro Studio 3
    The College of William and Mary

  • Marco Solorio

    September 5, 2012 at 9:17 pm

    Thank you, Matt. You too are very kind in your response! Yes, there has been some chatter of rolling shutter complaints in the video, but like you, I was actually very pleased with the results, considering it was mounted to a Porsche! In a way, the vibration kind of added to the excitement. And yes, I’m very relieved the camera has no issues at all shooting wide. The Sigma really held its own, and then some. And this is coming from a guy who’s lens collection resides mostly with Canon L! Great job on Sigma’s part of the equation. Thanks again, Matt!

    Marco Solorio | CreativeCow Host | OneRiver Media | ORM Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Media Batch

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