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Activity Forums Adobe Premiere Pro OT: Your desk type

  • OT: Your desk type

    Posted by Grand Admiral on April 27, 2005 at 5:05 pm

    Ok I am getting really tired of my small, cluttered computer desk and am about to buy a 20 inch tv with component/s-video so I can preview my work without having to use my LCD monitor. I plan on having one of those shuttle control mouse types for editing and in the near future a large wacom tablet. In the current desk I am at, I have like very little room to move my mouse. I am looking for a desk that gives me some sort of compartment where I can place my tower in, and have relatively easy access to so that I can turn it on or open the dvd. So basically a big desk. Everything I have seen at Office Depot and Best buy doesn’t seem big enough. I also want to put my VCR, DVD Player (for dvd testings).

    What do you guys use? (I have seen topics about what people for chairs)
    and what do you recommend.

    Grand Admiral replied 19 years, 7 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Steven L. gotz

    April 27, 2005 at 8:46 pm

    I just set up an 8 foot long folding table and that was enough room for the tower, two monitors, a printer and a scanner. No drawers so I bought a couple of 3 drawer cabinets for under the table. Works for me. And no hassle getting to the cords. Looks a bit sloppy I suppose, but works great.

    Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 / After Effects 6.5 Pro
    Learning Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5
    Contributing Writer, PeachPit Press, Visual QuickPro Guide, Premiere Pro 1.5

  • Rabidpachyderm

    April 27, 2005 at 9:10 pm

    I went to Home Depot and bought a 6 foot long kitchen counter top…They come in different lenghts and already have the lamination applied…They have different styles and colors…Then I got 2 2-drawer filing cabinets and then spanned them with the counter top…So, I have six feet of desk space and 4 filing cabinet drawers…Work great…

  • Grand Admiral

    April 28, 2005 at 12:44 pm

    well now thats intresting…Looks like you guys spend like less than 200 bucks huh? Stuff I want looks like I need several desk peices to support my equipment and thats in the over 500 dollar range.

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