The HD show I have been working on for 9 months (a record for me…longest time on one show) will finally air. The title is THE MEXICAN AMERICAN WAR.
Friday, Sept 29 at 8:00PM ET/PT on The History Channel.
This project mixed Varicam footage and P2 footage from the HVX-200 camera. Was shot 720p 23.98 and delivered 1080p 23.98 on D5. This show was cut with FCP at full DVCPRO HD resolution using 2 G-Raid 500GB drives, an internal 250 SATA drive and a Popsicle Stick Raid.
I color corrected using the 3-way color corrector, did moves on stills with FCP and After Effects and did green screen comps (with the expert help of Patrick Sheffield) with Shake. I output at The DR Group in Los Angeles to D5 and delivered…well, LAST week be the show was kicked back for a few technical issues that we spent the last week fixing and have since returned the tapes to the network.
Set your Tivo. Especially if you are a Neilson family.
For information on my workflow, visit my blog at http://www.LFHD.net.
Littlefrog Post