OT: It still works!
Off topic but worth a note.
I still have one On-line room here that is about to go Bye-Bye. I’m an editor but also the engineer here.
The room is pretty large since it was designed for that time when MANY clients might sit in on an edit…back when dinosaurs still roamed the earth. It’s pretty valuable real estate within the building here and that’s why it’s finally going. I built this thing over 15 years ago and it still has a warm place in my heart. Not only did I build it but I spent countless hours doing edits in it as well.
Today, just for sentimental reasons, I went in and fired everything up to see what would work and what wouldn’t. Much to my surprise, it all came up and was functional! It all worked.
I have a Sony 9000 editor, a Grass Valley 200-2 switcher, two channels of ADO, a Chyron SuperScribe a Soundcraft BVE-200 audio board and a lot of stuff to support all the other stuff. The ADO not only passed video, but it still looked good. And no rendering involved when doing moves either. Not bad for 15 years old. The Chyron actually booted and loaded fonts off of it’s huge 42Mb hard drive. (That’s 42 MEGA-Byte hard drive) And the Sony editor booted off of it’s three 3.5″ floppy disks and still came up with our old setup screen still intact. WOW! And the one remaining Sony BVH-3000 1-inch recorder still makes video as well. Man, they built stuff to last back in those days.
All of you other “old guys” will remember your days in the On-line environment. Those heady days of making lay-off reels, doing pre-read edits if you were lucky enough to have a D2 machine for mastering and asking the client if he REALLY wanted to change the color of the background under a 7-layer graphic. Remember trying to explain to him why it would be difficult to do and why it would take so much time? Those were the days when you really needed to plan ahead on a graphics build.
Hell, I even go back to the days of Ampex VR-2000 Quad decks equipped with “Editec”. “Poke ‘n Hope editing we called it. Back then it was a good edit if all lf the servos on the deck stayed locked as the edit was replayed.
Gawd, I’m getting old…
Anybody else got any good “war stories” from their early days? Anyone else still have a functional On-line, tape to tape room? Just wondering. Too bad it’s got to go…