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Activity Forums Adobe Premiere Pro OSX Sonoma kills ExFAT drives

  • OSX Sonoma kills ExFAT drives

    Posted by Simon Morice on November 6, 2023 at 4:48 pm

    Maybe kill is a strong word, but the 14.1 update caused problems with my Macbook Pro Max when I plugged in a Crucial X10 Pro. First, it made the drive unmount and disk utility couldn’t repair it. My old late 2013 Mackbook Pro was able to repair the drive – for the Pro Max to kill it again.

    In a discussion with Apple Support, who had not come across the issue, I tried to reformat the drive to APFS. This cured the problem and the drive worked well.

    The Premiere Pro 2024 symptoms were made apparent by saving transcripts, or rather not saving them.

    Apple Support is putting a report into the developer high priests shell-like ear…

    Umberto Giannini replied 1 year, 1 month ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Umberto Giannini

    November 6, 2023 at 5:10 pm

    Typical really, this has become the norm with apple i’m afraid. Releasing an OS every year for no apparent reason whilst still updating their previous versions.

    I would avoid all OS upgrades until they have at least arrived at .6 of their respective version. There’s no surprise that Monterey went up to 12.7 now i believes it’s up to 12.7.1 STOP bringing out new Operating Systems and stabilise the current versions!!!

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