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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Optimizing Adobe After Effects Performance with High-Capacity SSDs

  • Optimizing Adobe After Effects Performance with High-Capacity SSDs

    Posted by Jay mcpherson on November 18, 2024 at 4:49 pm

    Hi everyone,I recently upgraded to a Solid State Drives/NVMe E3.S SSD/7.68TB-2.5Inch for my Adobe After Effects projects. I’m curious to know if anyone has experience optimizing AE performance with such a high-capacity SSD.

    • What are the best practices for configuring AE to take full advantage of this SSD?
    • Are there any specific settings or tweaks that can help improve rendering times and overall performance?
    • Have you encountered any issues or limitations with this setup that you could help me navigate?

    Any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated!Thanks in advance!

    Walter Soyka replied 3 weeks, 3 days ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Walter Soyka

    November 18, 2024 at 5:57 pm

    After Effects loves fast SSDs for its cache. In Ae’s preferences, make sure “Enable Disk Cache” is on, choose a folder on your fast SSD for the cache, and set its size as high as you are comfortable.

    As you work and preview, Ae will store rendered layers and frames in the disk cache, and then it will read back those stored layers and frames for any operation where reading is faster than re-rendering.

    In Preferences > Previews, there’s a “Cache Frames When Idle” setting. If Ae is open and you’re not actively working in it (like, you stop to think, or make coffee, or check email), it can automatically cache frames in your active timeline.

    If you’re using a lot of disk-intensive footage in your projects, you could store that on your fast SSD so Ae doesn’t bottleneck on storage on a slower disk.

    That said, lots of operations in Ae can be CPU-, GPU-, or RAM-bound, and a fast SSD won’t help you with those.

    What are your other system specs?

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