Old .fcpbundle updated to 10.6.1; cannot open Project in library
I duplicated a library (fcpbundle file) that I created in 2013 and have not touched since 2015. I opened the copy in FCP 10.6.1, and of course FCP asked if I wanted to upgrade the library to work with the current release. I did so, and FCP opened the library.
My Project and original media are there. I can select any of the media files in the browser and play it. However, I cannot open the Project. In the Browser, double-clicking the Project does nothing, and right-clicking the Project reveals that in the contextual menu “Open Project” is disabled (grey), as are “Play,” “Snapshot Project,” and “Share Project.” Only “Duplicate Project,” “Duplicate Project As…,” and “Move to Trash” are enabled.
Any suggestions on how I can open this project?