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Activity Forums Apple Final Cut Pro X Odd Trim effect

  • Odd Trim effect

    Posted by Mark Smith on September 30, 2021 at 9:17 pm

    I was working on a string out in latest version of X on the latest system software running on 2015 iMac 5K. In the process of trying to do some simple trims by selecting on edge of a clip and nudging it one way or the other, I ran into this situation where if I was trimming the clip to make it shorter, as I was nudging or dragging the clip edge, a gap clip would appear at the edge where I was making the adjustment. I’ve never seen this before, nor is it some thing I wanted to see. After a few minutes of doodling around to try to get the trim behavior back to normal to ne effect, suddenly trim in the project went back to normal behavior. My question is – did I inadvertently tigger some mode I am not familiar with or maybe just stumbled across a bug?

    Mark Smith replied 3 years ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Jeremy Garchow

    October 1, 2021 at 12:28 am

    You had the position tool selected (“p” key). That allows to you put a gap in the primary without rippling the rest of the timeline.

    Selection Tool (‘a’ key) allows rippling. You can toggle those back and forth depending on what your timeline intentions.

  • Mark Smith

    October 1, 2021 at 11:47 am

    Enabling the trim tool is exactly what I thought was the case, so of course I toggled the A key and couldn’t exit the position function. I tried toggling the A key several times to no effect and then maybe two minutes later, X went back to normal operation.

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