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Activity Forums Apple Motion Not able to instal Motion

  • Not able to instal Motion

    Posted by Rolv Valle on April 7, 2005 at 10:50 am

    I just got my new Production Suite, but are not able to install Motion.
    The minimum specs says:
    G4 @ 867 MHz
    512 MB RAM
    OS X v10.3.5
    10 GB disk space.

    My MAC is:
    G4 @ 1.4 GHz
    704 MB RAM
    OS X v10.3.8
    A lot of disk space.

    Anybody know og other things I need to look at?



    Noah Kadner replied 19 years, 6 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Matt Murray

    April 7, 2005 at 1:09 pm

    Go here and check the compatibility of your computer and video card.
    Matt Murray
    Lineside Productions
    Wellington, FL
    Florida Sailfish videos, pictures and more
    My World Video Productions

    Mac OS X 10.3.7 , QT 6.5 Dual 2.5 GHZ, 4 gigs RAM, 23″ HD display, JVC BR-3000 deck, 5 120 gig LaCie Firewire Drives, JVC 17″ H1700 NTSC monitor, FCP HD, DVDSP 3.02, Compressor 1.2.1, Motion 1.01

  • Noah Kadner

    April 7, 2005 at 3:11 pm

    Most likely it’s the video card. Most of the stock G4 cards are not going to do the job.


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