New to Zaxwerks
Hi Folks –
I am new to Zaxwerks Invig Classic and was looking for some advice. I am on a short deadline (aren’t we all), and want to create something relatively easy, but also impressive.
I don’t want to be a pain to anybody just yet ;-), but I am wondering if anybody knows of some good sites to provide lots of ideas, tips and tricks, or step-by-step instructions for creating some nice 3D text that moves across the screen relatively close to the camera, and then ultimately have the camera pull back to see the full text.
I have AE 6.5, and I have gotten my feet wet with AE, but I am no master yet. But I know enough of the ideas to be dangerous.
I would like to get a few questions answered:
1) Once the image(text) from Illustrator is brought into the Zaxwerks plug-in, I know it’s rendered immediately, but is all the motion controlled and keyframes done in AE? Does the lighting that’s controlled in Invig, get pulled into AE?
2) Does the 3D box need to be checked in AE to take advantage of the motion within Invig?
3) Do you create the background in Invig or is that created in AE?
I know these questions might seem simple, but I am looking for some basic directions as opposed to reading a 386 page manual.