NEW Io Control panel available for immediate download
We are very happy to announce that the new Io Control Panel beta is available for download at our website:
Please also download the appropriate firmware revision for your Io model:
Io Firmware Update v22-27 for Io
https://www.aja.com/ajashare/IoFirmwareUpdate22-27.app.sitIoLA Firmware Update v3.7 for IoLA
https://www.aja.com/ajashare/IOLAFirmwareUpdate3-7.app.sitIoLD Firmware Update v1.3 for IoLD
https://www.aja.com/ajashare/IOLDFirmwareUpdate2-4.app.sitRelease Notes:
https://www.aja.com/pdfs/control_panel_notes.pdfThis is a FREE upgrade to any and all Io users. This new and unique software turns any Io into a broadcast quality frame-sync, that will D/A and A/D video and audio, embded and disembed audio, and much much more.
(Note: You cannot have the Io Control Panel application and any other application that uses the Io as an input/output device open at the same time. This includes Final Cut Pro, After Effects, Motion, and Combustion