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Activity Forums Zaxwerks New CPU and MB….missing serial number

  • New CPU and MB….missing serial number

    Posted by Todd Schmidt on April 22, 2020 at 2:34 pm

    So I had a power surge issue, which fried my MB. I had a new one installed, plus a second processor and video card. Now it’s not recognizing my serial numbers for 3D Flag or Invigorator Pro. I purchased both of these in 2015. I have searched my emails and cannot find the SN emails, and logging in to my account with Zaxwerks proves to be unhelpful, as the site doesn’t show my SN’s like Red Giant does. There is no number to call Zaxwerks, just email…which it takes forever to get a reply. Any ideas? I’m in the middle of a project using 3D Flag and need to get it done ASAP!



    Todd Schmidt replied 4 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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