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Activity Forums Maxon Cinema 4D New CD Morph plugin coming soon

  • New CD Morph plugin coming soon

    Posted by Cactus Dan on April 10, 2005 at 1:50 am


    I have a new morphing plugin coming soon called CD Morph. It’s a point selection morphing system that does not require copies of your polygon object for the morph target shapes. The points to be morphed are stored in a morph selection tag.

    Here is an example vid of how the morph tag works:

    Here is the morph tags AM:

    There is also a Jason Osipa style Box Slider tag that can be used to drive the morphs:

    Here is the Box Slider’s AM:

    The box slider also has output ports for Xpresso so it can be used for any type of custom controller setups:

    CD Morph also comes with an optional Mixer to mix the morph tags in one place with all of the sliders, for those who prefer the PoseMixer type interface:

    For an example of how you set up the morphing, here is a quick tut by Mike (slouchcorp):

    The final version of CD Morph is actually done, I just need to write the docs and then it’ll be ready for release.

    Cactus Dan

    Cinema 4D R9 XL Bundle, BodyPaint, Dynamics

    Todd Groves replied 19 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Todd Groves

    April 11, 2005 at 3:45 pm

    Wow. Thanks, Dan, for putting that together. It looks it will have some exciting uses.

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