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Activity Forums Apple Final Cut Pro X Need to distribute clips evenly.

  • Brian Thomas

    May 6, 2022 at 12:59 pm

    Not sure if I entirely understand what you want to do but if you put a bunch of clips on the timeline, select them all, Control-D and then enter a value such as 100 to represent 1 second then all the clips will be cut down to 1 second each. Does that help?

  • Winston A. cely

    May 6, 2022 at 2:32 pm

    Select all the generators you like in your Generator Browser, hit E on your keyboard to Append Edit, then select all your generators in the timeline using CMD-A. Next, CTRL-D to “change duration,” type in the duration you want (depends on the FPS your timeline is set up for, and finally click Enter. This will change all the generator’s duration to whatever you typed in.

    We do this in my class when creating stop-motion animation, where we generally will change the duration to 1 or 2 frames.

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