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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Expressions need modification in rd_slated.jsx script

  • need modification in rd_slated.jsx script

    Posted by Avinash Ramanath on April 19, 2017 at 12:19 pm

    Please require help in making this script save as quicktime format h.264 codec for the full composition duration. Currently it is exporting only .psd 1 frame. Many thanks

    // rd_Slated.jsx
    // Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Jeffrey R. Almasol. All rights reserved.
    // portfolio:
    // Name: rd_Slated
    // Version: 1.2
    // Description:
    // This script renders slates, single-frame images of a specific template composition
    // whose data is fed by the information in a text file exported from a spreadsheet.
    // Prerequisites:
    // -- This script requires After Effects CS4 or later.
    // Usage:
    // 1. Run this script.
    // 2. Select the project containing the template composition named "comp"
    // to use for the slates.
    // 3. Select the tab-delimited data file whose columnar data values match
    // the layer names in the "comp" template.
    // 4. Select the output folder into which the slates will be rendered.
    // The slates will be rendered in Photoshop format.
    // Notes:
    // -- The machine on which you run the script should have an output module
    // template named "Photoshop", which should be available in the default set
    // of templates.
    // Legal Notices:
    // This script is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied.
    // In no event shall the script's author be held liable for any damages arising in any
    // way from the use of this script.
    // This script is excerpted from Adobe After Effects CC Visual Effects and Compositing Studio Techniques by Mark Christiansen.
    // (c) 2013. Published by Adobe Press. All rights reserved. A complete chapter on scripting
    // by Jeff Almasol is included with the book. Additional scripts are available at

    (function rd_Slated()
    // Globals

    // Store all constants in a global object, for consolidated organization in ExtendScript Toolkit's Data Browser
    var rd_SlatedData = new Object();
    rd_SlatedData.scriptName = "rd: Slated";
    rd_SlatedData.scriptTitle = rd_SlatedData.scriptName + " v1.2";

    // Various text strings are defined as associative arrays (dictionaries) to support localizability via rd_localize() function
    rd_SlatedData.strTplCompName = {en: "template"};
    rd_SlatedData.strSelTplProj = {en: "Select the template project"};
    rd_SlatedData.strSelDataFile = {en: "Select the text file containing slate data"};
    rd_SlatedData.strSelOutFolder = {en: "Select the output folder for rendered slates"};
    rd_SlatedData.strSlatesFolderSuffix = {en: " Slates"};
    rd_SlatedData.strErrOpenProj = {en: "Could not open the template project."};
    rd_SlatedData.strErrNoTplComp = {en: "Could not find a comp named 'template'."};
    rd_SlatedData.strErrCreateOutFolder = {en: "Could not create the output folder."};
    rd_SlatedData.strMinAE90 = {en: "This script requires Adobe After Effects CS4 or later."};

    // rd_localize()
    // Description:
    // This function localizes the given string variable based on the current locale.
    // Parameters:
    // strVar - The string variable's name.
    // Returns:
    // String.
    function rd_localize(strVar)
    return strVar["en"];

    // rd_Slated_main()
    // Description:
    // This function performs the main operation of the script.
    // Parameters:
    // None.
    // Returns:
    // Nothing.
    function rd_Slated_main()
    // Select/open the template project
    var projFile = File.openDialog(rd_localize(rd_SlatedData.strSelTplProj));
    if ((projFile === null) || !projFile.exists)

    var proj =;
    if (proj === null)

    // Check that the template comp exists
    var comp = null;
    for (var i=1; i<=proj.numItems; i++)
    if ((proj.item(i) instanceof CompItem) && (proj.item(i).name === rd_localize(rd_SlatedData.strTplCompName)))
    comp = proj.item(i);
    // If comp is still null, the comp doesn't exist in the project
    if (comp === null)
    alert(rd_localize(rd_SlatedData.strErrNoTplComp), rd_SlatedData.scriptName);

    // Select the data file
    var dataFile = File.openDialog(rd_localize(rd_SlatedData.strSelDataFile));
    if ((dataFile === null) || !dataFile.exists)

    // Select the folder where the slates will be rendered
    var outFolder = Folder.selectDialog(rd_localize(rd_SlatedData.strSelOutFolder));
    if (outFolder === null)
    // If the folder doesn't exist, create it
    if (!outFolder.exists)
    if (!outFolder.create())
    alert(rd_localize(rd_SlatedData.strErrCreateOutFolder), rd_SlatedData.scriptName);

    // Build a catalog of layer names for text and footage layers, the types of layers that can be replaced
    var layerCat = new Array();
    for (var i=1; i<=comp.numLayers; i++)
    // Look for text (TextLayer) and footage (AVLayer) layers only
    var layer = comp.layer(i);
    if ((layer instanceof TextLayer) || (layer instanceof AVLayer))
    var layerName =;

    // Check if the layer's name was previously stored; this allows multiple layers
    // to be updated
    if (layerCat[layerName] === undefined)
    // Layer name wasn't previously encountered, so create a new array to store layer indices
    layerCat[layerName] = new Array();
    // Append the current layer's index to the newly created or existing (if same layer name was previously encountered)

    // Create a subfolder to place the slate comps and any footage needed for each
    // Subfolder name will be based on the data file name
    var slatesFolder = app.project.items.addFolder( + rd_localize(rd_SlatedData.strSlatesFolderSuffix));

    // Process the lines of text from the data file
    // First line should be the field names, tab-separated, with subsequent lines the data

    // Open the data file for reading"r");

    // Read the first line, which are the field names
    var fields = dataFile.readln();
    if (!dataFile.eof)
    // Split the field string at tab characters
    var fieldNames = fields.split("\t");

    // Read the rest of the lines, and create slate comps for each

    var dataLine, dataValues, layersToUpdate, layerData, currLayer;
    while (!dataFile.eof)
    dataLine = dataFile.readln();
    dataValues = dataLine.split("\t");

    // Make sure the data line contains the same number of values as there are fields
    if (dataValues.length !== fieldNames.length)

    // Duplicate the comp for the current line of data, and move it into the slates folder
    var slateComp = comp.duplicate();
    slateComp.parentFolder = slatesFolder;

    // Name the comp based on the first field's value (hopefully, it's unique)
    if (fieldNames.length > 0) = dataValues[0];

    // Loop through the fields and match up the data to the layers
    for (var f=0; f<fieldNames.length; f++)
    // Get the set of layers matching the current field's name
    layersToUpdate = layerCat[fieldNames[f]];
    // Get the data to use for the field
    layerData = dataValues[f];

    // Loop through all matching layers, and update their content using the data to use
    for (var l=0; l<layersToUpdate.length; l++)
    currLayer = slateComp.layer(layersToUpdate[l]);

    // Depending on the layer type, update as appropriate
    if (currLayer instanceof TextLayer)
    // For a text layer, use the data value as the source text
    currLayer.sourceText.setValue(new TextDocument(layerData));
    else if (currLayer instanceof AVLayer)
    // For a footage layer, import the data value (hopefully is the footage's file name) and replace the source for the layer
    if (File(layerData).exists)
    var fItem = proj.importFile(new ImportOptions(File(layerData)));
    if (fItem !== null)
    // Move footage to the slates folder, then replace the footage layer
    fItem.parentFolder = slatesFolder;
    currLayer.replaceSource(fItem, false);

    // Trim the comp to the first frame of the work area
    slateComp.workAreaDuration = slateComp.frameDuration;

    // Add the comp to the render queue; use Photoshop output module template
    var rqItem = proj.renderQueue.items.add(slateComp);
    rqItem.outputModule(1).file = new File(outFolder.fsName + "/" + + "_[#####].psd");

    // Close the data file when done

    // Start the render

    // Select only the slates folder
    for (var i=1; i&lt;=proj.numItems; i++)
    proj.item(i).selected = false;
    slatesFolder.selected = true;

    // main code:

    // Prerequisite check for After Effects CS4 or later
    if (parseFloat(app.version) &lt; 9.0)
    alert(rd_localize(rd_SlatedData.strMinAE90), rd_SlatedData.scriptName);

    Avinash Ramanath replied 7 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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