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  • My Prelude Wishlist

    Posted by Angelo Lorenzo on July 17, 2013 at 7:21 pm

    Prelude, in my eyes, allows a user to be more efficient by simplifying the user interface and lower the system specs for broader hardware use in the field for logging and rough cutting. What Prelude doesn’t really do is present powerful features for someone in the field or that allow someone already in the edit bay to kill a lot of work easily.

    I’ve already submitted some of these as feature requests but I hope to gain some support by posting here.

    1) The ability to interpret footage to a new framerate or have Prelude/Premiere honor subclip in and out points after re-intrepretation.

    For example, if we shoot at 60fps, create subclips, bring into Premiere and re-interpret at 24fps for slow motion then the in and out points of the subclips have been shifted. They become useless.

    2) The ability to sync second system audio

    Look at Redcine-X and how it implements sync. It matches second system audio by comparing timecode. If timecode is off then you can choose an audio file to associate to the video file and then sync by finding the slate in video, pressing the slate icon, and then finding the clap in the audio waveform and hitting the slate button. This shifts the audio so the clap matches the slate. The audio/video file association is also saved in metadata.

    3) The ability to add a LUT and burn-in metadata to truly create dailies/rushes

    Look at Speedgrade for functionality. While Speedgrade *could* do this, adding this feature along with audio sync to Prelude is truly the way to go; it matches the featureset for offload/logging quite well and would make it an invaluable tool in the field.

    Angelo Lorenzo

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    Paul Neumann replied 11 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Danny Holland

    July 18, 2013 at 9:27 pm

    I would add to this list the ability to transcode via Media Encoder and have the original frame rate be pass-through rather than set ahead of time.

    We often fill cards/reels with multiple frame rates and currently can’t use prelude because their is no way to batch encode all files to prores without specifying a frame rate. You can’t even sort by frame rate to apply specific frame rate preset.

    I too have submitted this via

    Thanks for starting this! Really want to use prelude just need a few more features to come along.


  • Paul Neumann

    July 20, 2013 at 11:03 pm

    This is a very good feature request. “Match Source Frame Rate”.

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