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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects My AE clip gets transparent when adding in Vegas

  • My AE clip gets transparent when adding in Vegas

    Posted by Jacob Lundmark on April 4, 2005 at 5:53 pm

    Hello there!

    Im making a little presentation using After effects and Sony vegas 5.0 and got a little problem.

    I made a little logo in AE and i want to add it to Vegas. But i gets transparent when i add it i vegas. I tried using other blending modes but without any luck.

    Basicly i made the animation in AE, then rendered with indeo 5.10 (codec). When i import the logo to vegas the parts of the clip i made in AE gets black and the “used” parts of the screen is there. And i want a background layer of course, so i have to have some blending mode on it. And when i set a blending mode the used bits in the clip get’s like 50% transparent. How can i remove this?

    I want the first layer to be none transparent, but i want to remove the other parts of the screen with i didn’t use and have a background clip there.

    Sorry if my message got kinda blurry – Thanks in advance!

    Hans Van vliet replied 19 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Hans Van vliet

    April 4, 2005 at 11:47 pm

    Hey, Soz I don’t understand. if you can don’t use a codec, use uncompressed frames with an alpha (maybe .mov tiff setup). Have a look at that, Let vegas do the final compression on everything. Um, apart from that I’m not sure what to say .. hope it works out 😛


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