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Activity Forums VEGAS Pro MultiCam & NewBlue Stabilizer

  • MultiCam & NewBlue Stabilizer

    Posted by Ken Bennett on August 15, 2010 at 9:26 pm

    I have a 3-cam wedding ceremony to edit as a Multicam edit. One cam was hand-held and I need to smooth out the movements. I have NewBlue’s Stabilizer Pro. Should I run the Stabilizer plug-in first before I set up my Multicam edit? Or can something like that be done at anytime from within the Multicam edit?


    Ken Bennett
    Video Adventures
    Capturing Your Life’s Adventures!

    Joe Mizera replied 14 years, 2 months ago 3 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • John Rofrano

    August 16, 2010 at 3:30 pm

    How do you plan on doing the multi-cam edit? If you will be using the Vegas Pro multi-cam capabilities it will void any track and event level effects you apply because it merges all of the tracks into one track with events as takes. You might have to stabilize all of the footage first in a separate project and render them out stabilized. Then bring them back into the multi-cam project and work with the already stabilized footage. This is a much cleaner approach.


  • Ken Bennett

    August 16, 2010 at 4:29 pm

    What about color correction? I’ve got 3 cams. I fix the color to match all three. If Multicam strips all the setting out, do I now have to go into EACH cut and adjust? That would be a huge waist of time. How do you handle that in Vegas?


    Ken Bennett
    Video Adventures
    Capturing Your Life’s Adventures!

  • John Rofrano

    August 16, 2010 at 5:31 pm

    If Multicam strips all the setting out, do I now have to go into EACH cut and adjust? That would be a huge waist of time. How do you handle that in Vegas?

    You want to color correct the media, not the tracks or events. Right-click any event and select Media FX… and add the correction to the media itself. This has the added advantage that once you correct the media, all events that use it will be corrected. You can also right-click the media in the Project Media pool and add it there.


  • Ken Bennett

    August 16, 2010 at 5:41 pm

    WOW. It’s going to take 6 hrs. to render this 12 minute cam1 shot after I applied the Stabilizer to it. That seems like a very slow process.

    Ken Bennett
    Video Adventures
    Capturing Your Life’s Adventures!

  • John Rofrano

    August 16, 2010 at 6:26 pm

    It’s going to take 6 hrs. to render this 12 minute cam1 shot after I applied the Stabilizer to it. That seems like a very slow process.

    Look at the bright side… you now have 6 hrs to open another copy of Vegas and color correct the other two cameras. 😉

    This is why I stabilize first and then work with the stabilized video. Otherwise your final render gets too long.


  • Joe Mizera

    September 17, 2010 at 3:53 pm

    I wonder if any users of the Newblue FX stabilizer are experiencing the problems I am. I have the 1.4 release of the NewblueFX stabilizer, and Vegas Pro 9E running on XP Pro 32 Bit. If I apply the plugin to one or more events, and run analyze, it works fine. If I save and reopen the .veg, the motion is actually worse than without the plugin at all. It’s as if the stabilization has shifted, exaggerating the movement dramatically.

    Newblue supports only suggestion was simply to render out to a new track. While this does work, it just adds a ton more time and effort, and it means embedded veg files can’t be used with the stabilizer.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    Joe Mizera
    Mizera Digital

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