Multi-track vs. Multi-Channel…
I’ve done some searches within the forum and don’t see anything that applies to this…
I’ll do my best to keep it short.
I’m a DIT and work on set making Dalies and transcoding for the film and TV industry using ASSIMILATE SCRATCH LAB. I was working on a set with a recordist using the Tascam HS-P82 and he handed me his CF card to use. It had 5 TRACKS of audio on it, but when I imported them, i was only able to find 2 channels. after an email to the people at SCRATCH they said that it only supports Multi-Channel recording not multi-track. I am not an audio guy, but since I’m sure this might come up again, I’m trying to get to the bottom of it. Is there a way to better use the Tascam HS-P82 to create a multi-channel recording?
I’m a bit hazy on the whole track vs. Channel thing, but have found some posts that are helping. At this point, I’m looking for a way to help avoid this in the future without some complicated conversion process. I already find myself short on time in a day as it is and don’t want to add another conversion to the process. I’m sure I could figure that part out if I had to, but would rather have the proper format in the first place. Any help you could offer would be great.