Motion gets bogged down – Suggestions?
Folks, Motion has gotten really bogged down to the point that it’s choppy moving layers left or right. This is only about 2 minutes into the project; 14 groups, lots of layers. These are things it should be able to handle.
I’ve turned off certain rendering features (like shadows, reflections, etc.) and reduced playback quality. As a test I copy/pasted one group into a new project and it moved smoothly in the new project. So it seems that this project file alone is the problem.
Do you have any suggestions to get performance back being able to move items around smoothly?
– Late 2013 Mac Pro 3.5 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon E5 / 64 GB 1866 MHz DDR3 / Dual AMD Fire Pro D500
– macOS Catalina
– Motion 5.4.5