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Activity Forums Media 100 Memory Allocation Issue

  • Memory Allocation Issue

    Posted by Larry Evey on July 1, 2011 at 3:55 pm

    When exporting from the timeline in H.264 1080HD codec only (720 works fine), the progress bar completes then at the moment the file would be finalized it dumps out and my new MacPro 8core/8gb ram displays this message… “Could not complete the “export” command because a memory allocation failed.”

    I’ve used the apple disc utility to repair any permissions on the internal drive with no effect on this issue. Dumped M100 preferences too but this looks to be an issue with QuickTime and not M100 I think.

    I’ve search around and found others with somewhat the same issue but no answers.

    Anyone have any ideas for me?

    Larry Evey
    West Coast MEDiA, Inc.
    MEDIA100 Since 1993

    Larry Evey replied 13 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Dave Mccarthy

    July 1, 2011 at 7:21 pm

    You could try exporting a reference movie from Media 100 Suite, and then open that movie in QuickTime Player 7 and export it to h.264 from there. Sometimes this is enough to squeeze past what appears to be a bug in h.264.

  • Larry Evey

    July 1, 2011 at 9:34 pm

    Thanks for your input Dave, great workaround idea.

    But it’s looking more like a menu entry goof now. Working with a 1080i timeline I was exporting 1920×1080 by mistake. I should have been exporting to match the HDV footage resolution of 1440×1080. Once I entered in the correct frame size setting….the Memory Allocation Failure did not occur. Odd that exporting as ProRes422 in the larger frame size of 1920 did not cause the same failure.

    So in conclusion, QuickTime will not allow H.264 1080i exports to be pushed to a larger frame size from 1440 to 1920 period.

    Larry Evey
    West Coast MEDiA, Inc.
    MEDIA100 Since 1993

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