I’m not sure I understood you fully, but I’ll try.
If I were going to create an effect where something broke apart and reformed into something else I would use shatter. Twice. Let me explain:
Take your first thing in its own composition and shatter it.
Take your second thing in its own composition and shatter it.
Make sure to use the exact same settings for both of the shatters. I would make it shatter into lots of little pieces with no gravity.
Now import both compositions into your main composition.
Put them one after the other overlapping somewhat.
Time remap your second composition so that it plays backwards.
Now you should be getting close.
You just need to fade from one to the other.
If I were doing this I’d try to create (in Zaxwerks or something) a piece that looks like the shattered pieces and make it fly close to the camera at the time you make your switch.
Is this what you were looking for?
Does it make sense?
– The Great Szalam
(The ‘Great’ stands for ‘Not So Great)
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