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  • Media Encoder workflow

    Posted by Rod Duarte on June 2, 2019 at 4:44 am


    I’ll get straight to the point:
    I own two systems. I do all my video edits on my 12-core Mac Pro.
    But, because it’s the trashcan one, I can’t add storage to it, so…
    I also have a 6-core PC with PLENTY of space, just added an 8TB HDD to it.

    Here’s what I’m trying to do:

    1- Import video from GoPro HERO 5 and 7
    2- Convert to ProRes 422 Proxy to allow Resolve to edit without stuttering
    3- On the Mac, pull the files for each video and edit

    Now, here’s what I need Media Encoder to do:

    1- Watch the folder the GoPro videos get dumped in (via GoPro Quik app)
    2- Automatically convert them, keeping file folder structure, Quik separates them by camera and by date. For example, it’ll look like this:

    W:\IMPORT\2019-05-24\GOPRO HERO 5\filename.mp4
    W:\IMPORT\2019-05-24\GOPRO HERO 7\filename.mp4

    I need AME to put them, after conversion, in:

    W:\IMPORT\OUTPUT\2019-05-24\GOPRO HERO 5\filename.mp4

    I’ve gotten as far as adding the watch folder and choosing the ProRes 422 Proxy preset.
    What’s next?

    Thanks in advance!

    Rod Duarte replied 5 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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