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Activity Forums Adobe Media Encoder Media Encoder – linking separate audio file to video possible?

  • Media Encoder – linking separate audio file to video possible?

    Posted by Per Scaffidi on February 13, 2020 at 4:07 pm

    I’m using media composer and previously used Sorenson squeeze until it was EOL. I still use it for specialized circumstances such as this, even though it’s slower, and was wondering if there is a plugin out there for media encoder:

    I export a single video file from media composer and multiple audio files (such as foreign languages). Then import the single video file into Squeeze, link the different audio tracks, and encode separate mp4s for each language.

    Today, to do the same thing with media encoder, I need to export multiple MXF files, which on a long project can take some time. If this was a few years ago, I would have been able to export multiple quicktime reference videos for each language, but that isn’t an option anymore.

    Andy Ford replied 4 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Per Scaffidi

    September 18, 2020 at 3:51 pm

    A quick followup on my own question: someone on another forum suggested the free Shutter Encoder app — it’s able to swap audio tracks on files among other features. It still requires an extra step before encoding, but at least now I can output a single video file from Media Composer, quickly create multiple versions with different audio tracks, and then bring these into media encoder.

  • Andy Ford

    September 23, 2020 at 1:10 am

    Shutter Encoder is definitely worth a look. I was a heavy Squeeze user myself, but now I use AME (for Adobe convenience) and Shutter Encoder exclusively.

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