Matching colours: Canon C300 mk2 & Sony FX6
We are preparing for a 2-camera shoot in a studio, w/ a controlled 3-point lighting set-up (interviews), with 2 cameras on sticks, so no moving cameras, or changing light sources.
Of course – we would prefer to use 2 of the same cameras, however we are still in development so cash-strapped and really need to make the most of the cameras we have access to (FX6 & C300mk2) , and so we are seeking workflow advice to optimize our set-up to ensure the images match visually and can be inter-cut.
We will be sure to film a colour chart (attached image), prior to rolling each camera, so that the colourist has this reference for matching the 2x cameras in post.
We also intend to film flat/log on both cameras, so on the FX6: Slog3-S-Gamut3.Cine
On C300mkii: Canon Log 2 (which I understand would be the preferable option to Canon Log 3, Canon Log 2 being flatter and more comparable to Slog3?)
We much appreciate any advice relating to our intentions outlined above, and any other workflow advice for our set-up, given our intentions to inter-cut this footage.
Thank you in advance! -J