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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Masked area offset from drawn mask?

  • Masked area offset from drawn mask?

    Posted by Nelson Goforth on June 2, 2015 at 7:37 pm

    I’m seeing something in AE (CC) that I’ve never run into. I’m trying to draw a mask to hide a tracking marker, but the area affected seems to be offset from the mask that I draw. Mask Feather and Mask Expansion are both set to zeroes. I tried a restart in case that helped. The offset seems to be about 12px (at least in this example).

    I guess I can work with it, but it seems very odd. Anyone else run into this issue, and/or have a solution?

    Thank you.

    Red Camera Rental & Indy Features, Denver Colorado. * 303.506.2456

    Clíona Joyce replied 1 month, 1 week ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Nelson Goforth

    June 2, 2015 at 11:56 pm

    Bingo, Dave – thank you.

    Not scaling exactly, but I did apply the Warp Stabilizer (in Position Only mode) to make my shakycam a little less shaky. I’ll bet that did it.

    I created a new composition from the footage to test with, and it masks as expected.

    Is there any solution, or just deal with it? I guess I could go back to the original footage, I only smoothed it by about 20%. Or use a smoothing expression instead of the Warp Stabilizer…I’ve seen a tutorial from Mamoworld, but I was being lazy.

    Thanks again,

    Red Camera Rental & Indy Features, Denver Colorado. * 303.506.2456

  • Nelson Goforth

    June 3, 2015 at 12:36 am

    Excellent advice. Will one or more. I haven’t used the rotobrush really, this may be the perfect spot – I was having trouble getting close to the actor’s face.

    Red Camera Rental & Indy Features, Denver Colorado. * 303.506.2456

  • Clíona Joyce

    September 5, 2024 at 12:35 pm

    Having this problem now but can’t see any solution here.

    Where I first keyframed the mask path it is behaving correctly (only subtracting from the image inside the mask area) but as you can see in the other picture the mask is eating away at my tracked image in a different/offset region

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