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Activity Forums Apple Motion Looking for a plugin

  • Mads Nybo jørgensen

    April 24, 2023 at 9:49 pm

    Hey Nelson,

    Brie (COW-BOSS) might be able to help you with locating the old .mov file.

    If in motion, Motype 2 might be able to do the trick for you – currently on offer over at FX Factory:

    Although, you may find a bigger selection of tools for FCPX that can do the job too.



  • Ben Balser

    April 24, 2023 at 10:53 pm

    MotionVFX makes mO2 (soon to be replaced with mO3 in production now), nothing better, really, to build your own easily.

    MotionVFX may also have some templates to choose from similar to this.

    Or use Motion’s native support for USDZ files and build your own.

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