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Activity Forums Creative Community Conversations Looking Ahead to 10.1

  • Mathieu Ghekiere

    August 29, 2013 at 12:59 pm

    It would be really awesome if FCPX had those things. Some of those being a case of ‘finally’ having them (a decent audio mixer), and in some cases hopefully being ahead of the curve (the whole guards and collaboration thing).

    I have a long wish-list, with a lot of small things, but if FCPX 10.1 would have the things Alex outlined in his blog post, I think FCPX would have a very bright future in the industry.

  • Marcus Moore

    August 29, 2013 at 2:10 pm

    It will have been a year since FCPX’s last feature update [10.0.6] in October 2012. That’s by far the longest interval since the FCPX launch. This is about the same timeframe for big updates from the major NLEs.

    So I’m inclined to think that (at least in part) this update will be more foundational in nature, and not just bolting on of new features. This could mean any number of improvements from UI tweaks, to changes to the Event/Project management structure. Timeline organizational improvements… Logic X does point to some intriguing possibilities.

  • Mathieu Ghekiere

    August 29, 2013 at 2:14 pm

    1 year since the last feature update, and 2 years since inception.

    2 years were the intervals of big FCP-Final Cut Studio releases. Very interested to see what happens.

  • Eric Santiago

    August 29, 2013 at 2:23 pm

    With Maverick coming it might be a slow update or a big one.
    I cant read the future but the present has been decent with current FCPX version 🙂

  • Walter Soyka

    August 29, 2013 at 2:33 pm

    [Mathieu Ghekiere] “in some cases hopefully being ahead of the curve (the whole guards and collaboration thing)”

    Avid has had bin sharing and Unity/ISIS for years, Smoke systems can automatically share projects to any other Smoke on the same network, and Adobe has Anywhere now. FCPX is the only one from the A’s without some kind of first-party collaboration feature at this point.

    Apple would change the price point for collaboration, but they would have to make a really huge leap to get ahead of the curve on collaboration.

    Walter Soyka
    Principal & Designer at Keen Live
    Motion Graphics, Widescreen Events, Presentation Design, and Consulting
    RenderBreak Blog – What I’m thinking when my workstation’s thinking
    Creative Cow Forum Host: Live & Stage Events

  • Charlie Austin

    August 29, 2013 at 3:34 pm

    [Walter Soyka] “FCPX is the only one from the A’s without some kind of first-party collaboration feature at this point.”

    I may be wrong, but aren’t all these set up just to share projects? Analogous to FCP X editors being able to work from a shared Event. Can MC/CC (or other NLE) editors work on the same sequence simultaneously?


    ~”It is a poor craftsman who blames his tools.”~
    ~”The function you just attempted is not yet implemented”~

  • Walter Soyka

    August 29, 2013 at 3:48 pm

    [Charlie Austin] “Can MC/CC (or other NLE) editors work on the same sequence simultaneously?”

    Is multiple people editing same sequence simultaneously the holy grail here? That’s a very hard problem! At a minimum, you need some very sophisticated locking and conflict resolution.

    But I can’t imagine what that would even look like, whether for editors or for specialists of different disciplines, to be collaborating on a timeline that was being shuffled around by others before their eyes. It would drive me mad to try to work on quicksand, with constant external changes being integrated underneath me.

    Multiple editors can work on the same project at the same time on a variety of products if it’s divided sensibly into reels.

    Multiple people of different disciplines (editorial, VFX, color, audio) can work from the same sequence simultaneously on a variety of products today via conform/re-conform workflows.

    There’s always a better way, but I’m not convinced that allowing multiple editors write access to the same live sequence is it.

    Walter Soyka
    Principal & Designer at Keen Live
    Motion Graphics, Widescreen Events, Presentation Design, and Consulting
    RenderBreak Blog – What I’m thinking when my workstation’s thinking
    Creative Cow Forum Host: Live & Stage Events

  • Marcus Moore

    August 29, 2013 at 4:06 pm

    Yeah- though it would certainly be a amazing achievement technically, having an individual edit be able to be worked on by multiple editor at once would be at the low-end of the priority scale for me.

    For Events, I’d like to see them shared across local networks or remotely via iCloud. With each editor/producer/director able to add metadata which is clearly assigned to them and can be turned on/off via checkboxes. So if I want to see the directors favourites I can, and if I think my Producer has terrible taste I can turn his off.

    For Projects (if they continue to exist as a separate database), editors should have access to all projects, but be locked out of ones already opened by another user on the network.

  • Walter Soyka

    August 29, 2013 at 4:23 pm

    [Marcus Moore] “For Events, I’d like to see them shared across local networks or remotely via iCloud. With each editor/producer/director able to add metadata which is clearly assigned to them and can be turned on/off via checkboxes. So if I want to see the directors favourites I can, and if I think my Producer has terrible taste I can turn his off.”

    That’s a really cool idea: a multi-user metadata schema.

    Walter Soyka
    Principal & Designer at Keen Live
    Motion Graphics, Widescreen Events, Presentation Design, and Consulting
    RenderBreak Blog – What I’m thinking when my workstation’s thinking
    Creative Cow Forum Host: Live & Stage Events

  • Mathieu Ghekiere

    August 29, 2013 at 4:24 pm

    Hi Walter,

    I’m sure it would have its own sets of challenges.

    But that was something that was hinted at exactly with the ‘Guard’ system that Alex found out in the underlying code of FCPX, in an early stage:

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