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  • Lisencing issues with Script Sync

    Posted by Richard Sanchez on November 17, 2011 at 8:35 am

    Anybody run into this? When I upgraded from Media Composer 4.0, I got my complimentary Script Sync Serial so that I could use Script Sync with 5.0. Per the instructions, when I first loaded a script, it would prompt me for the serial, at which point I would enter it. All well and good.

    Starting with 5.5 Avid introduced the license control interface, and it didn’t seem to like my serial. I didn’t work much with Script Sync at the time so I didn’t worry too much. I’ve just upgrade to MC6, and again I’d like to activate my copy of Script Sync. Now, not only does the code not work, but it appears that the entire structure of Script Sync Serials have changed. My serial (which worked fine in Media Composer 5) was a string of 5 groups of 5 alpha numerals (25 in total). Now, instead of a Script Sync Serial, Lisence Control wants an activation ID which is a string of 4 groups of 4 alpha numerals. This would seem to complete invalidate my Script Sync Serial which kinda ticks me off. Does anybody have an answer or solution to this?

    Richard Sanchez
    Los Angeles, CA

    “We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution.” – Bill Hicks

    Richard Sanchez replied 13 years ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Richard Sanchez

    November 17, 2011 at 5:19 pm

    Didn’t realize this. The promotion granting you a Script Sync license during the upgrade from Media Composer 4 to Media Composer 5 gives you a script sync serial only applicable to Script Sync in MC5. Starting with MC 5.5, Script Sync version incremented from Script Sync 5.0 to Script Sync 1.0 (I suppose, numerically it reverted, but I’m assuming it was a rewrite) had to be purchased regardless of the circumstance. I was under the impression that anybody who bought a new copy of Media Composer 5 and above would also have to buy their Script Sync license separately, but those who had previously had it included would be able to retain their old license. That’s a little upsetting, but I don’t use it a ton on my home system so I’ll purchase it when the need arises.

    Richard Sanchez
    Los Angeles, CA

    “We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution.” – Bill Hicks

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