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Activity Forums Zaxwerks lens flare on path

  • Jon Okerstrom

    April 27, 2005 at 3:05 am

    Hi Bill,

    Yes you can, in a variety of ways.

    One way is to manually keyframe the position of the flare over time. I’ve done this to have a small lens flare follow a highlight glint as a 3D object moves before the camera.

    Are you using Knoll Light Factory or something else?


  • Kurt Murphy

    April 28, 2005 at 6:49 pm

    Another way is to add a couple keyframes in the beginning and end of the flare path. Next, double-click the Layer to bring up the Masks, Anchor Point and (little known) Effects path. From here Select the Flare and you’ll see a path bezier. You can now curve the path using the tangents.

    Hope this helps,


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