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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Legal question about tutorials…

  • Legal question about tutorials…

    Posted by Matt Sonberg on April 1, 2005 at 2:14 am

    I think I stumbled on a small market for a piece of software and have a lot of experience in it. I was thinking about designing some real good tutorials for it and selling them… the next thing I thought was… is there anything wrong with that? You’re promoting the software company so I would think they wouldn’t mind, but I wanted to check. I’ve seen you guys discuss copywrite stuff in here, so I thought you(someone) might be able to give me some insight.

    Thanks as always.

    Serge Hamad replied 19 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Serge Hamad

    April 1, 2005 at 3:04 am


    Why don’t you just simply contact the makers?
    The fact that they made their product publicly available on the market allows you to talk and write about it. This is a commandment. Now if you want to be nice and correct you should contact them and present your planes. For example if they intend to bring out a similar product then yours you may want to coordinate your efforts not to end up competing with each other. It’s all about trust and communication in those kinds of things especially if the makers are still in their cocoon and not giants like Adobe, Apple…

    Just my opinion and good luck!

    PS: Did you also think about some free tuts for us bovines?


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