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Activity Forums AJA Video Systems KONA 3 vs. KONA LHi

  • KONA 3 vs. KONA LHi

    Posted by Pat Mcgowan on April 28, 2009 at 11:17 am

    I am about to place an order for 3 cards. Anyone care to chime in with Pros and Cons of going with LHi cards instead of KONA 3s? We are working in the compressed HD world for now (Panasonic DVCPROHD with HDX900 and HVX200) but will migrate to 2K in 2010.

    Keith Pratt replied 15 years, 9 months ago 13 Members · 44 Replies
  • 44 Replies
  • Walter Biscardi

    April 28, 2009 at 11:45 am

    2K appears to be the only difference. Kona 3 has it, LHi does not.

    However, the LHi does have the 3G input so I’m not sure if that will allow for 2k in the future. But according to the matrix in the brochure, the LHi does not support 2k.

    I’m doing consulting work for a Georgia Broadcaster right now and we’re changing the order from 8 Kona 3’s to 8 Kona LHi’s as they have zero need for 2k, the price difference is awesome, and the on-board analog inputs with HDMI are sweet.

    Walter Biscardi, Jr.
    Biscardi Creative Media
    HD and SD Production for Broadcast and Independent Productions.

    Read my Blog!


  • Gary Adcock

    April 28, 2009 at 12:01 pm

    [Pat McGowan] ” Anyone care to chime in with Pros and Cons of going with LHi cards instead of KONA 3s? We are working in the compressed HD world for now (Panasonic DVCPROHD with HDX900 and HVX200) but will migrate to 2K in 2010. “

    The LHI cards are the start of the new look for video, 2K, up/down/cross conversion are all passed via single link or 3G SDI standards.
    {A more recent interface, 3G-SDI, consisting of a single 2.970 Gbit/s serial link, is standardized in SMPTE 424M that will replace the dual link HD-SDI.}

    TheLHI card handles everything the Kona3 does except HSDL connections( high speed data link) from film scanners and the like or anything working with the existing dual link HDSDI connections from really high end cameras and decks.

    With v1.3 HDMI spec on the card that makes high quality monitoring simpler by allowing for lower cost but high quality consumer grade displays in your suite rather than using HDSDI or Component.

    The LHI cards should work just fine for your needs, and you save a few bucks in the process.

    gary adcock
    HD & Film Consultation
    Post and Production Workflows

    Inside look at the IoHD

  • Walter Biscardi

    April 28, 2009 at 12:16 pm

    [gary adcock] “The LHI cards are the start of the new look for video, 2K, up/down/cross conversion are all passed via single link or 3G SDI standards.
    {A more recent interface, 3G-SDI, consisting of a single 2.970 Gbit/s serial link, is standardized in SMPTE 424M that will replace the dual link HD-SDI.} “

    I thought so, but since the brochure did not specifically mention 2k for LHi I wasn’t sure if it was fully supported on the card. Nice to see the 3G already coming on board at AJA as our new FSI monitors already have the 3G inputs built in.

    Walter Biscardi, Jr.
    Biscardi Creative Media
    HD and SD Production for Broadcast and Independent Productions.

    Read my Blog!


  • Pat Mcgowan

    April 28, 2009 at 12:54 pm

    Thanks Walter and Gary – pressing button to order 3 LHi boards now….

  • Jeremy Garchow

    April 28, 2009 at 2:04 pm

    [walter biscardi] “since the brochure did not specifically mention 2k for LHi I wasn’t sure if it was fully supported on the card.”

    LHi will go up to 1080p60, not beyond. If you are doing 2K beyond 1920×1080, then you will need to go Kona 3.


  • Gary Bettan

    April 28, 2009 at 3:25 pm

    I think you have to really look at what your real time-frame is for moving to 2K, and if you think you’ll be adding more workstations at that time. With the $1,495 MSRP price tag I have no doubt the KonaLHi will get the job done for you today and pay for itself in short order. You just don’t want to back yourself into a corner either.

    You are looking to put cards into 3 workstations. Sometimes in situations like this we’ll suggest perhaps going with one Kona 3 and 2 of the LHi’s. This way if a 2K or higher opportunity comes your way, you’re not left on the outside looking in.

    I’d also make sure that you think about your 2K future when making your storage decisions. Having one of your workstations equipped with Kona 3 and a more substantial storage solution may be a better long term plan. Then again in this economy, every penny counts.

    Just some thoughts.


  • Kent Stipp

    April 28, 2009 at 3:28 pm

    It was my understanding the Lhi was quite simmilar but that NO 2K and no 4.4.4 but other than that we had the speed and the up down and cross convert.
    So if you do not need either of those the Lhi would be the hot ticket

    Kent Stipp
    Life Begins at 155mph
    Ki PRO Lens to Post
    3am Studios llc.

  • Gary Adcock

    April 28, 2009 at 4:01 pm

    [Gary Bettan] “ 800 323-2325 | We are the desk top video editing and DVD production experts!”


    the constant sales pitch has gotten annoying, if you want to pitch on Creative Cow buy ad space, as it is not welcome in the forums.

    gary adcock
    HD & Film Consultation
    Post and Production Workflows

    Inside look at the IoHD

  • Gary Adcock

    April 28, 2009 at 4:05 pm

    [Jeremy Garchow] “LHi will go up to 1080p60, not beyond.”

    JG you are correct,

    I was quoting the full 3G/ spec, whereas the LHI card specs are for the 3G/a version and the only time the LHI outputs via SDI in 3G mode is for 1080p50, p59.94 and p60 which is only 4:2:2 over baseband.

    gary adcock
    HD & Film Consultation
    Post and Production Workflows

    Inside look at the IoHD

  • Walter Biscardi

    April 28, 2009 at 4:10 pm

    Thanks for clarifying guys. 1080/60p is still sweet for $1,500.

    Walter Biscardi, Jr.
    Biscardi Creative Media
    HD and SD Production for Broadcast and Independent Productions.

    Read my Blog!


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