Job oppertunity London Post House Audio Protools
VET is looking for a tech op / ProTools Asst and someone who can record V/Os. Additional duties will be edit asst (Avid mainly) and some encoding. We image the person will have been a runner and tech asst in a post house – probably with 18 months – 2 years under their belt. Know of anyone then get them to drop me an email at pat@vet.co.uk
Pat Horridge
Technical Director, Trainer, Avid Certified Instructor
Free online Tutorials at VET digital media academy online https://vimeo.com/channels/752951
Production Editing Digital Media Design DVD
T +44 (0)20 7505 4701 | F +44 (0)20 7505 4800 | E pat@vet.co.uk |
http://www.vet.co.uk | Lux Building 2-4 Hoxton Square London N1 6US