I’ve asked Boris FX about a self-registering patch for us particleillusion 3 users
Just an FYI. I have sent Boris FX an email asking if they plan on creating a self-patch or something so all of us valid licensed users of pi3 can continue to use the software if the registration servers no longer allow pi3 to be activated. (Similar to what Adobe did to all of us Serious Magic software users. They released a self-registering Patch that registered the software standalone!)
GenArts never answered my question and I hope that Boris FX will answer and provide something to us now that it seems that our particleillusion program is now listed under “Legacy” products.
I have also asked Boris FX to provide ALL Emitters that were once on the Wondertouch page, but I see they still have not updated their download page. Instead, they sent me an email with 2 links but that is not the same thing.
I really hope that Boris FX does the right thing since I was promised this from Alan Lorence back in 2007 – 2008. I kept my email as proof just in case Boris FX needs to see it.
This unique software is still relevant in my opinion and for what I use it for, it works great.
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