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Activity Forums Audio issues with audio recording

  • issues with audio recording

    Posted by Riccardo Marcon on July 9, 2023 at 10:43 pm

    hi guys, hope you are well! I just started with filmmaking and I picked up this ntg3 from the Amazon Second-Hand market, a new ZOOM H5 recorder, and a XLR cable, and today I was experimenting with it, trying to record whatever was around me…Yet I happened to pick up these two sounds, which I think may indicate that something might be faulty. For the ZOOM0021 file it happened twice during the day, yet the mic worked perfectly fine beforehand and afterwards. Whilst for the second file ZOOM0038 I was just trying to sort the first problem out when I started hearing that weird bird-like noise. Have you guys got any idea what these noises could be? Thank you very much.

    Hector Vera replied 1 year, 3 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Hector Vera

    September 5, 2023 at 7:08 pm

    Yeah the noises sure sounds weird. The Mic could be fine but it could also be caused by your SD Card as well. Sometimes when I have an SD card that is like a fake 3rd party one, it starts to perform poorly, making the video files become corrupted. Not sure if your SD card is a replica or officially made by SanDisk or something but many SD cards sold online for example may look exactly like the real thing but not always the case. I would suggest you get a new SD card directly from a store like Best Buy or Walmart, then test the mic with that. Not sure if you still have this issue now since it’s been a while since you wrote this but many SD cards runs at different speed and depending on the MB speeds is how they will perform in certain cameras. Let me know if you have any questions and good luck!

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