Issues adding captions to timeline with .srt files
I’m such a beginner at Premiere ProCC , please forgive what’s probably a simple question/problem…
I have a 28-and-a-half-minutes-long show on my timeline, to which I want to add a caption track. I make the transcript/ captions using YouTube, and once the captions there are perfect, I download an .SRT file. This has always worked in the past, but I’ve only used it for shorter things so far, and not had to actually lay the caption track into Premiere pro until today.
That .SRT file, I import or drag and drop to the timeline, (tried both ways) and I see it there, and I can line it up for timing, and all looks good and simple… I play the timeline and bam; I see my captions, timing out correctly, good to go… except there are no captions past the 12-minute point of the show.
The little page-like icons on the caption timeline end at the 12 minute mark. The captions time out right, the words appear where they are supposed to. There just aren’t any past the 12 minute mark.
I right-click on the caption picon in the bin to get info on it and I see it declares the clip has a 12 minute duration.
Where’s the other half of my show captions?
Dragging the caption track to match length with the program track doesn’t reveal more captions, just more, empty, colored bar. where they should be…
The file size for the caption file is 48k.
Do you think this is a Premiere problem or something wrong with the .SRT file I’m downloading from YouTube? I’m guessing my procedure is wrong somehow but I don’t know at what point it’s wrong.
Could I make this work with a .VTT file instead? That’s another option I have for download of the captions.
The end goal is to generate a file for cable TV playback with captions attached, and to burn DVD’s with the captions attached to them as well. A quick how-to on that would also be welcome, but first, we have to solve the Mystery of Edwin Drood… I mean, mystery of the missing second half of my captions.