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Activity Forums Creative Community Conversations Is dynamic range allocation only true for log ?

  • Mads Nybo jørgensen

    February 14, 2024 at 8:37 pm

    Hey Chuck,

    Good question.

    It really depends on where you are going to use it, and how much processing will be done down the line.

    I’ve worked on projects where up to 18 different camera crews was working in multiple locations, for a one off documentary. That was a quick turn-around project, so it was shot for broadcast.
    But if your project is intended to go into a cinema style presentation, then the grader likes the idea of having more “room” to work with.

    There is no right answer to that, except if the project has budgetted for a colourist, then that is the person to ask.

    I know that this might be unhelpful as it is not a clear answer.

    But it is about time and money + how far does your footage travel, both in distance and amount of people in the Post-Production chain, before it emerges as a finished product.


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