IO LA compatable with OS 10.3.8/FCP4.5 & 10.4/FCP5?
Here’s the situation. I’ve been running my IoLa on a G4 OS 10.3.8 and FCP 4.5. It’s worked just fine. I recently bought a G5 2.3Ghz running Tiger and FCP5. After transferring media & FCP project files to the new machine, I plugged the IoLa in to the G5, fired up FCP and got a lot of scrambled video from the Io.
When I installed the IO control panel app, it informed me that I needed to upgrade the Io’s firmware, which is what I was expecting to happen. After the upgrade, everything is now good with FCP. The Io is working fine.
The question? Is this firmware upgrade backwards compatable with the G4/FCP4.5 combination? I didn’t have time to move everything back to the G4 last night to actually try it out. I just thought of this this morning. It was a late edit last night…