interlacing combing artefacts
I have 12 similar video files that I’m outputting to Quicktime Apple ProRes 4444, interlaced. This output can not be changed.
Some of my files suffer from terrible combing artefacts and some don’t. I don’t know why this happens. Can anyone offer any words of wisdom?
My source video is coming from after effects at the same frame rate and resolution. The settings in the sources is consistent throughout. The content within the source videos is technically all the same throughout.
Surely there has to be ‘something’ different between from of the ‘successful’ and ‘not successful’ videos? I’m at a loss where to look. Thanks for any help!
EDIT: So after more testing, I’ve found that when viewed in Quicktime Player, Mac OS Preview and even the exporting panel within AME, I see the interlaced combing on a few of my videos. But when taken into an editing programme like Premiere, every video file looks fine! So I don’t really have a ‘problem’ anymore, but it’s still a head scratcher!
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