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Activity Forums Adobe Audition Insert direct recording into existing takes and PUSH the rest down the line?

  • Insert direct recording into existing takes and PUSH the rest down the line?

    Posted by David Crews on March 21, 2021 at 8:32 pm

    I’m recording narration to single audio tracks and I’d like to know if it is possible in Audition to do a type of insert direct recording at some specific point in an existing series of takes where instead of overwriting the remaining takes, it allows me to record for any length of time at that spot while pushing everything else after that point down the line? It wouldn’t matter if I insert-recorded a few seconds or maybe several minutes, but when finished, the remaining previous takes would all still be there after that inserted section.

    This would act similarly to inserting silence, which “pushes” the rest of the audio down after you insert any specific length of silence.

    There are other ways to achieve the tasks I’m doing, but this would be so much more efficient if it can be done. Can’t find anything specific to my question online. Thanks for any insight into this.

    Usama Aslam replied 1 year ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Usama Aslam

    January 17, 2024 at 3:12 pm

    You can achieve it by using Punch and Roll feature in Audition. It will let you put new recordings at specified points in the existing audio and it automatically pushes rest of the audio ahead. Go to edit, preferences, playback, and check enable recording option. Then you can just position the playhead and press the record button. The final recording will be smoothly blended. Give it a go.

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