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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Insert a person into another clip

  • Insert a person into another clip

    Posted by Jay Gill on May 29, 2012 at 6:33 pm

    I’m a beginner with After Effects and I’ve had trouble finding a tutorial on something I’m trying to do. I filmed someone with green screen and I want to add that person into a TV show clip. For instance if I want them to be sitting in a chair in the background I would need the TV character to walk in front of them. Can someone help me out with either what it is I need to look for specifically or a good tutorial on this? Any help is appreciated.

    Greg Gesch replied 1 year ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Walter Soyka

    May 29, 2012 at 9:25 pm

    AE is both deep and broad, and it’s very hard to jump right in without taking a little time to learn fundamental concepts first. You’ve got to practice your scales and arpeggios before you can play Mozart, and you’ve got to walk before you can run.

    Since you’re new to After Effects, I’d recommend the following link, in which Adobe’s Todd Kopriva pulls together some important introductory materials:

    I especially recommend the Video Copilot “Basic Training” series that Todd links to.

    Finally, here’s a tutorial specifically on Keylight [link].

    Walter Soyka
    Principal & Designer at Keen Live
    Motion Graphics, Widescreen Events, Presentation Design, and Consulting
    RenderBreak Blog – What I’m thinking when my workstation’s thinking
    Creative Cow Forum Host: Live & Stage Events

  • Jay Gill

    May 30, 2012 at 5:06 pm

    Great, thanks! This info will be very helpful to get me familiar with AE. I have experience with green screen and keying in Final Cut so I was able to do this in AE, however, what I’m having trouble with is once I overlay the keyed person on the TV clip I’m using, I want to put the keyed person in the background and have the TV character walk in front of him. Is this done with the pen tool? Do you know of a good tutorial to show how this effect is done? Once again, your help is appreciated!

  • Roger Arnold

    October 9, 2023 at 1:01 am

    Hi. I have limited experience with AE, but I believe the principle (as with Photoshop) involves layers. One of the original clip (for the background) and a duplicate layer of the original for the foreground, with your green screen in the middle.

    You may need to green out the foreground clip where your insert is going to show. You may be able to create a path that follows the motion. I don’t know if any of this is a real help. Just thought I’d share my two cents. Good editing. ✌️

  • Greg Gesch

    October 9, 2023 at 11:22 pm

    Hi Jay. The two things you need to look up are: Rotoscoping (cutting out an image) and Compositing (putting something into a video and making it look as if it belongs). It usually does take three layers, bottom the whole video, middle the greenscreen, and the top layer is the whole video rotoscoped where anything that passes in front of your greenscreened character is.

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