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Activity Forums Audio In-person podcast recording session for more than two people

  • In-person podcast recording session for more than two people

    Posted by Reshmina William on August 10, 2022 at 12:41 am

    Hi all! I’ve been nominated to serve as podcast producer for an organization I’m part of this year, and one of my first episodes is going to be an interview with five (!) guests. Any suggestions on how to keep the audio clean?

    I currently have a setup for two cardoid/dynamic mics, which would typically be enough if it were just myself and one other person, but I don’t think would work logistically for larger groups. I also have my own USB omni directional mic, but I’m worried about sound quality issues. We’d like to record in person.

    Thanks in advance!

    Ty Ford replied 2 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Ty Ford

    August 11, 2022 at 2:56 am

    Hello Reshmina and welcome to the Cow Audio Forum.

    That’s quite a challenge. I have two possible solutions. With six people talking, consider rent a Shure 8-channel auto-mixer:

    and hardwired Countryman E6 headset mics for all guests and the host.

    Here’s why. Talk show guests typically don’t understand how vital it is to stay on mic. You can tell them (as I have many times before a show) and they nod and appear to get it. As soon as the show starts, they’re all over the place. Using an ear-mounted mic may feel weird to them for about a minute but they’ll soon forget about it and will always be on mic. Get someone to help each person put the mic on.

    The second problem is mic leakage with that many mics open. Mic leakage is when one person’s voice gets into the other mics and sounds super “roomy.” The Shure 810 automatically closes mics that aren’t in use and has a circuit that keeps the total output level the same, regardless of how may people speak at once. It’s also helpful to have a person with gifted ears to raise or lower individual mics just a little bit to even things out.

    Best of luck and do let us know how that worked for you.


    Ty Ford

    Audio Forum Moderator

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