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Illusion with Maya and After Effects
Posted by Kevinw on April 6, 2005 at 4:26 pmI’m about to purchase Illision and I’d like to know if and how it works with Maya and After Effects. I read something about a motion path exporter for MAya. Can someone explain what that will allow me to do? Also, I read another post about an After effects Plugin. What is that all about? Thank you
Aharon Rabinowitz replied 19 years, 10 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies -
3 Replies
Alan Lorence
April 6, 2005 at 8:42 pmAlthough pI3 does support IFF files, there are many flavors of IFF, and I don’t think that the Maya “flavor” is supported right now, although I could be wrong. I seem to remember people saying that it’s not.
wondertouch -
Aharon Rabinowitz
April 8, 2005 at 4:33 amHaven’t used it in a while, but…The maya motion path exporter is a mel script that takes the 3D position of a null object and converts it into 2D position data that pIllusion can use – this data visually matches position with the 3D object, on the screen.
This only works if you’re render size in maya and stage size in pillusion match, BTW.
The only problem I’ve had with it has been that when the null was moving as a child instead of as a point constrained object, it’s XYZ values weren’t changing and maya had trouble outputing the data.
With regards to After Effects – pIllusion works really well. There are several tutorials on this and they can be found here:
There’s even a video tutorial there geared towards maya users.
In addition, I just started shipping a DVD called particleIllusion Fusion Volume 1 – the fusion of Adobe After Effects and Wondertouch particleIllusion which is full of (at least what I think is) usefull information for pIllusion/AE users. You can get more info here:
Let me just say this in a way that’s really clear – I use pIllusion with After Effects whenever possible – once you get the hang of using pIllusion, you will find it improves the quality of your work greatly. Best of all it’s easy.
Anyway, hope that helps.
Aharon Rabinowitz
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