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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Ideas on how to make a pencil animate and draw on the sky

  • Ideas on how to make a pencil animate and draw on the sky

    Posted by Chris Huggett on April 4, 2005 at 8:13 am

    Hi guys

    I have created a scene that has a rolling hills and a road that comes from up bewtween them and straight down the camera down the centre. I have car that will be travelling up this road and it too will travel down and into the lens of the camera.

    What i also need to do, is create a 3D pencil that will be scribbling on the sky in the background.

    I dont yet know if i will make the pencil into an octagonal shape or rather a cylinderical one, but what i dont know, is how to create the tip of the pencil. Does anyone have an idea?

    Then, how will i make it scribble. Would i use the motion sketch assistant and apply these keyframes to a paint or stroke plugin(o have 3D stroke), parent the pencil to a null with its axis point at the tip of the pencil, and parent this then to to the motion sketch points.

    Thanks for any assistance


    Rob Wolf replied 19 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Rob Wolf

    April 4, 2005 at 5:00 pm

    As for the scribbling, I prefer using Corel Painter rather than AE to achieve this sort of effect. Check out the sample video of my product to see an example (about 50 seconds into it)

    To achieve this effect, I started out with a still from my video, and used it as a basis for tracing paper in Painter. I then used the record sequence features of Painter to animate it. Finally, I do a simple dissolve back into the video from which I started. It’s a great effect that could be much better looking with a colorful sky than is evident from my rather rudimentary example.

    Rob Wolf
    OyBaby LLC

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