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Activity Forums Apple Final Cut Pro Legacy HVR M25U record sequence time code through firewire

  • HVR M25U record sequence time code through firewire

    Posted by Alessandro Cerquetti on July 15, 2010 at 4:04 pm

    In to FCP 6.06 i have a sequence dv format an now I must rec in to my hvr M25U to Tape DVCAM whit Time Code sequence and video+audio (in my case start at all this throught firewire cable.
    record TC in HVR25u make TC and preset record TC as and rec some a minute whit bars and tone on tape DVCAM
    when done,
    I set HVR M25e in record tc mode_internal swich to TC mode_external
    in FCP 6.06 put sequence to _EDIT TO TAPE
    rewind the tape
    put sequence in assemble and start it
    the HVRM25 go to in TC but no star (error tc)

    ok so I try second one

    load sequence in FCP

    set HVRM25 in TC RECORD_External
    and start print to video but nothing happens

    Please can you help me??

    Jerry Hofmann replied 14 years, 1 month ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Jerry Hofmann

    July 15, 2010 at 4:30 pm

    Have you preblacked a tape? do that first, then use edit to tape to edit to that using an assemble edit. Match the TC on the sequence to that.

    Don’t set it to record external TC. You’re not feeding it through the TC in port so it won’t work don’t think.


    Apple Certified Trainer, Producer, Writer, Director Editor, Gun for Hire and other things. I ski. My Blog:

    8-Core 3.0 Intel Mac Pro, Dual 2 gig G5, AJA Kona SD, AJA Kona 2, Huge Systems Array UL3D, AJA Io HD, 17″ MBP, Matrox MXO2 with MAX Cinema Displays

  • Alessandro Cerquetti

    July 15, 2010 at 5:06 pm

    Thank you Mr Jerry,
    I just try it but not work well..
    the sony HVR M25U go near the Tc poitn but run around it and after some try stop it!!

  • Jerry Alto

    July 15, 2010 at 5:30 pm

    Alessandro- Sometimes a TC drop/non-drop issue can cause this problem. Make sure your settings in FCP and the deck are compatible.

    MacPro 2.93 Quad
    Sony Z-1

  • Mark Maness

    July 15, 2010 at 7:36 pm

    All of the Sony HDV decks timecode is defaulted to Auto Timecode. You’ll have to get in the menu and set the deck to DF or NDF, whatever time base you are wanting.


    Wayne Carey
    Schazam Productions

  • Jerry Hofmann

    July 16, 2010 at 4:17 am

    Could be the problem alright… the OP should be using drop frame on both sides of the equation. Sequence and record settings I’ll bet. or both sides non drop. If indeed we’re talking 2997 video here. I have a feeling it’s not…

    Is the original sequence 50i? If so, this should just “work” if the tape is blacked from an actual blacked signal… you can do this from FCP.


    Apple Certified Trainer, Producer, Writer, Director Editor, Gun for Hire and other things. I ski. My Blog:

    8-Core 3.0 Intel Mac Pro, Dual 2 gig G5, AJA Kona SD, AJA Kona 2, Huge Systems Array UL3D, AJA Io HD, 17″ MBP, Matrox MXO2 with MAX Cinema Displays

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