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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects How Was It Made?

  • How Was It Made?

    Posted by Emil Simeonov on March 22, 2023 at 1:03 pm

    Hello there,

    I stumbled upon a video dedicated to a Bulgarian NGO:

    Given I myself have some experience in animation and After Effects, I feel helpless to determine what techniques were used to achieve some of the effects in the video.


    The background dots sliding horizontally. How was that single animation multiplied so many times?


    The dots sliding in a circular motion. How was that achieved?


    The background dots going diagonally.

    The pixel dissolves. Was that illustrated “by hand” frame by frame and than animated?


    How was that tapered “dash” to the center done?

    I’d be grateful if you help solving that “mystery” 🙂


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    Emil Simeonov replied 1 year, 6 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Eric Santiago

    March 22, 2023 at 1:39 pm

    Very loaded question.

    Some of that is done with manual keyframes and some may be a plug-in.

    I know that a lot is templated and repetitive.

  • Emil Simeonov

    March 23, 2023 at 7:05 am

    I was really hoping for a bit more insightful answer…

  • Paul Roper

    March 24, 2023 at 5:30 pm

    Hello Emil,

    A few things spring to mind when looking at that animation:

    The background dots – these could be made like this:
    Create a shape layer

    Add a path going from one side of the screen to the other

    Add a dashed line

    Add a gap to the dashed line

    Adjust the dashes/gaps, and keyframe those values

    Add a repeater to repeat in the y-axis all down the screen

    The circular smeary lines: There’s a plugin on called Thicc Stroke. I’ve never used it, but it’s free, and I think it can do stuff like this.

    Background lines going diagonally: See above – same as the other bg dots. If I was doing it, I’d create a separate shape layer for this, and just carefully line it up with the ‘straight’ bg dots.

    0:26 – nothing of interest happens here. The image merely slides off screen (position x keyframes) and fades out, with motion blur turned on.

    Tapered dash to centre – could be that Thicc Stroke plugin. Else it could be done (tediously) with repeated shape layers, with the scale set to, say 95% for each repetition. Or it could be done by animating the squares moving from the outside to the centre, then using the Echo effect to show lots of frames ion screen at once.

    Experiment and enjoy!
    ~ Paul

  • Emil Simeonov

    April 7, 2023 at 8:09 am

    Thank you very much! And thanks for bringing these plugins into the light!

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