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How Track Position and Rotation of a Deforming Point animation
Posted by Mauricio Barrientos on June 2, 2024 at 2:15 amHello, I wanted to know if it is possible to take the position and rotation values of a point in a 3D object that is constantly deforming, and then apply that position and rotation to a second 3D object so that it moves exactly with the same position and rotation of that specific point.
[Cinema 4D R14]
I am attaching a video in which the point can be seen when the object is selected. I have tried to do this with Xpresso, but I have not been able to. I have managed to get the position of the point, but without the deformation while it is moving. I need to know those position and rotation values just when it is deforming with joints.
Is this possible? Thank you very much.
Brie Clayton replied 2 months ago 3 Members · 13 Replies -
13 Replies
Kouraib Abdmalek
June 2, 2024 at 8:48 amHi Mauricio,
I did not fully understand what you want to achieve through this, but I understood that you want to make an object track the movements of a certain point from another object during deformation, you could do this using Expresso and a Null Object. I tried in the video below to explain the method. I hope this is useful for you.
Mauricio Barrientos
June 2, 2024 at 4:30 pmThank you, really, thank you. You took the time to send me the video, explain it to me, and provide the file. I am very grateful, truly. However, it doesn’t work with deformation. It works with normal movement, but when the sphere deforms and the point moves, the cube and the null stay in place without receiving the deformation animation. I would like to know if it’s possible for them to receive the deformation animation so that the null moves exactly as the point does, but with the deformation applied.
I am leaving a video to show that it doesn’t work with the deformation using the same file you sent. Once again, thank you so much for all your help and assistance. Thanks.
Kouraib Abdmalek
June 3, 2024 at 7:33 amNo worries, with pleasure! I think you could get it if you bake the deformation using a Point Cache Tag, below a tutorial explains that.
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Mauricio Barrientos
June 3, 2024 at 6:24 pmDefinitely, THANK YOU … it worked … a thousand thanks…
today i only want to bother you with one question…. and it is that all this is for the position of a cube with reference to a point on another 3D mesh. So, how should it be added to Cinema Xpresso if we also want it to move not only according to position but also to ROTATION… since that point also rotates… how do we apply the rotation to the null-cube as well, please.
Again, very grateful. -
Kouraib Abdmalek
June 4, 2024 at 10:15 amYou’re welcome, Mauricio! Regarding the point rotation, I don’t know if you mean exactly that, because what I know is that the rotation data of the points are not generated in c4d as position data. However, you can get rotation according to the movement of several points by using more than one point and then linking its movement to a Null Object in the center. Then you will be able to export movement and rotation data based on the movement of these points.
Mauricio Barrientos
June 4, 2024 at 5:59 pmThank you again. I am definitely grateful. If I can return the favor, let me know. I leave my portfolio below.
I am trying to do it with 3 points covering a single polygon, to obtain rotation and position, and thus move a second object, but I don’t know how to do it in Xpresso.
I am fighting with ChatGPT 4 to achieve it, and it is defending itself very well, but if I manage it, I will let you know. My question is if it is possible?
I mean applying and transferring the same position and rotation from 3 points or a polygon to transfer it to a second 3D object. Just like we did with the position, but today I want to also transfer position and rotation, either with 3 points or with a polygon. Is it possible?
my portfolio, games, and 3D build:
Kouraib Abdmalek
June 5, 2024 at 11:31 amNo worries and thank you for your portfolio. As for how to do this using more than one point, I have placed a file and video below to illustrate that. I have used the same principle. Suppose you need to change how the foreign object interacts with the movement of the points. In that case, you can manipulate the arrangement of the points in Expresso or change each point’s coordinate axis, such as making the first point control the Z axis of the Null object, and so on. I hope this will be useful to you.
Mauricio Barrientos
June 5, 2024 at 1:27 pmperfect .. .thansk again …
just the file you sent … not work ..the cube nevr move…
but i will try to fix here thanks a lot !!!!
Kouraib Abdmalek
June 6, 2024 at 8:10 amYou are right, I sent another file in which I was trying another method that did not work. This is the correct file. Please let me know if it works for you.
Mauricio Barrientos
June 6, 2024 at 6:14 pmagain thanks ….. really thanks..
but what i need is when you rotate and move 3 points….. OR SINGLE POLIGON…… then a null with cube follow that position and moving.
so… the moving we already solve, now the rotation..
i made a video and a picture some similar what i need….. look
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