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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects How to text effect?

  • Richard Garabedain

    March 2, 2020 at 10:19 pm

    ooh boy…this is a tough one…But being the most sarcastic person here, I’m willing to give it a shot.

    Okay..okay…okay…Ummmmm….You see there is a text icon…click that,,, do you see next to that is a box that…and were done..whew…I worked up a sweat on this one..

  • Greg Gesch

    March 2, 2020 at 11:23 pm

    As Richard says you need to create the text with the Text Tool, then create the box shape underneath it. There are lots of ways of doing the transitions like: Precompose both layers. Duplicate the precomposition IN THE PROJECT PANEL, then open the second precomposition and change the colours (if this changes the colours of the original you have not duplicated it in the project panel). In your main Composition add the second precomp under the first. Add the Transition/Linear Wipe effect to the top layer and keyframe it (you can also add it to the lower layer to wipe this layer off). You can also use masks to wipe things on or off. I would suggest that you look at these tutorials to learn the basics of After Effects:

  • Daniel Waldron

    March 3, 2020 at 6:30 pm

    Shape layers and track mattes would do the trick.

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