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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects How to take still frames?

  • Topher Welsh

    January 16, 2008 at 6:11 pm

    The way that I do it is you enable time remapping, create a keyframe on the frame you want, delete the first and last time remapping keyframes, shorten your work area to the few frames right there, and export as a jpeg sequence, and then open it in PS and pull the one that you want.

    And then you can save that to whatever format you need outta PS.

    sounds like a long process but its actually pretty fast once you do it a couple of times.

    Topher Welsh
    Head Editor & Motion Graphics

  • Topher Welsh

    January 16, 2008 at 7:10 pm

    I guess I can stop using my crappy way and start working like the pros. Thanks David. hahaha

    Topher Welsh
    Head Editor & Motion Graphics

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